Basketball season runs between December and March. Games are held on Saturdays and Sundays against teams throughout the diocese. Each team requires a minimum of 10 players.


Basketball season is right around the corner. Please take note of the following information:
Open Gym - Boys grades 3-8 Oct 2nd
Open Gym - Girls grades 3-8 Oct 1st
All students interested in playing basketball can come to our open gym. Dates coming soon!
Not sure if you want to play?
If your child is not sure they want to play, we invite you to register and attend practice. We will only charge the registration fee once the teams have been finalized and the rosters have been made. We can remove you from the roster if you decide not to play, but we cannot add you after this date, so please register regardless!
1. Registration
Register your child on Sportspilot by Mid October. Use this specific link which is connected to our school/parish. Email stacyorep@gmail.com for questions/issues with SportsPilot
2. Fees
Diocesan fees are per team and differ per grade.
If we have a combined team, you will pay the higher grade fee, even if you are in the lower grade fee bracket. (For example, Jane is a 4th grader but will play on the combined 4/5th grade team. She will have to pay the 5th-grade fee because this is the team we have to register)
Final fees will be communicated as soon as we have more information. For reference, the fees per athlete will be somewhere in the ranges indicated below:
3rd-4th Grade: $90
5th-6th Grade: $100
7th-8th Grade; $110
We hope to see many of you on the courts!
CYO Basketball Schedules
can be found HERE