An evening of fun and fellowship bringing together adults from the St. Anthony parish and school communities (and other friends!)
The evening will include a New Orleans buffet meal and one signature cocktail.
Onsite babysitting available for children ages 3 and above ($10 per child fee, pre-registration required) with pizza included.
All proceeds from the event will benefit
the Spirit of St. Anthony Scholarship Fund to provide tuition assistance to families in need
For other questions about the GALA, email us at
About the Gala
About the Auction
Our gala includes an in-person auction which is divided into the following categories:
Silent Auction: gift cards and certificates, goods and services from a range of local businesses and sports teams, and home-cooked meals featuring cuisines from our multi-ethnic parish and school community
Live Auction: special items like dinners with the Pastor or Principal, Lake Barcroft cruises, vacation rentals, original art
Gala ticket $80 per person (includes tapas buffet and one free specialty cocktail)
Babysitting $10 per child (age 3+) by advanced registration only (pizza will be served)
Entire table (8 reserved seats) $600
Treat the Teachers in gratitude for their dedication!
Purchase tickets for our St. Anthony School teachers $80 per teacher.
Purchase online if possible.
In-person sales will be available after weekend Masses in February.
A limited number of walk-up tickets may be available on the day of the Gala.
Any contribution you can make is welcome!
If you are able, please consider a major contribution at one of these levels. Combine your funds with a group of friends, or make a gift on behalf of your parish organization or your business. Contributions at all these levels will be recognized in the Gala program.
Scholarship Donor: $8,295.00 – a year’s full tuition for a child in financial need (includes 2 Complementary Gala tickets)
Scholarship Fund Patron: $2,000.00 (includes 2 Complementary Gala tickets)
Friend of the Scholarship Fund: $500.00
Community Donor level: $200 (for business contributions)
Scholarship Fund Supporter: $100.00
General School Donation: Any contribution you can make is greatly appreciated as we have many operating expenses that tuition does not cover.
For Business
Businesses donating of $200 and above – items for our auction or monetary contributions – will be will be recognized in the Gala program as Community Donors and featured (with logos you provide) on the parish and school websites and listed in the Gala program. For a contribution of $500 or more, you will also receive a certificate of appreciation to display.
To donate items for our auction (gift cards, certificates, goods or services) please contact GALA@stanthonyschoolva.org
Online financial contributions may be made at: